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Sunday, November 19, 2006

One-hundred Million Miracles

Is this picture real? It was on the front page of the NYT.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the cast of the Asian Economic Summit's after dinner presentation of 'Flower Drum Song,' GW colludes with theatrical ally Pootie to upstage Chile's Michelle Bachelet's turn as Linda Low singing 'I Feel Pretty.' Michelle could sense that something was amiss.
"It just doesn't feel right Steve."
"It's ok. You really were the better Linda Low."

Hu Jintao was dutifully delighted to finally have Chinese popular culture in the spotlight and secretly excited to play a part, even if he was cast as Madame Auntie Liang. But South Korea's Roh Moo Hyun had been suspicious all night. He stroked his Fu Manchu in contemplation and gripped the sharpened chopstick stolen from dinner tighter under his Hanfu sleeve. He would not be made a fool of like his Northern counterpart.

-Alexa L. (NYT Staff Writer)

Story ripped from the New York Times. I swear.


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