blah blah blog

Friday, November 03, 2006


Sergio has perpetually revamped the title of his great American autobiography, whose content/audience/ending/manuscript/first page has yet to be developed. I really do believe it will occur and can already imagine his cross-legged fireside chat with Oprah. I'm already so proud! In the same vein/vain?(both seem appropriate here), I have developed the title of my thesis - Homogony. Hegemony. Homophony?: The Stalled Cultural Revolution of as yet to be determined. Texas? Plumbers? Alexa and Sergio? I think I need to work on it. I can't wait to receive my degree from the City College of 2nd Avenue and for his book to be published by me, I guess.

Anyway, here is a picture of Andrea and my Maize Maze Tour, which was amazing. Ok, I'm done. maze.

and a recreation of Tiananman Square. with ice cream


  • At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    it has been a while since i last read this bleeker blog. I am happy to see a new entry!


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