blah blah blog

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

What's playing at the party in my head

Usually my brain functionings and demeanor are not unlike a huge pothead's - everything is funny, way too laid back, and crazed non-sensical babble flows from my mouth. Every now in then, though, my head feels like it is filled with pop rocks and a can of Coke. Iron and Wine's Love and Some Verses eases this incessant effervescence. Also see: The Sea and Cake's Colony Room.

I just discovered The Russian Futurists. This only adds to the bubbles forming in my head, but it is fun. The Russian Futurists is an army of one, which is Matthew Adam Hart in his bedroom with a computer, a library of kitschy noise, and loads of time. It reminds me of the walls of my apartment. They just kept throwing on the layers of paint completely disregarding the simple structure that lays below. Now I am encased in 2 inches of lead-laden fun. RF is like that minus the poison. Hart probably uses his bathroom as a recording studio, as any good DIY music obsessed loner would, which enhances the echo and whine in his Mercury Rev-like vocals. It adds to the tin can sound and I envision him as a kitschy cosmonaut surrounded by looping blips. (Aside: The 3 faces of communism for me - (1) Chinese communism = meddlesome and annoying like an over-bearing Chinese mother (2) Cuban communism = sweaty, sexy and perpetually stuck in 1950s America (3) Russian communism = kitschy, why is that? I think it is due to the Nutcracker, Tetris and Russian stacking dolls). In the end, it's super pop and that's how I like it.

Recommended songs: click to continue >>>> click songs/lyrics
The Science of the Seasons (click on 2nd album cover)
Paul Simon (click on 4th album cover)

And finally, GO SPURS GO!! (scroll down to SA Girl)

Editor's Note: Alexis, please provide your copyediting notes to my work address. Your payment of 5 boxes of Entenmann's donuts has been mailed to your old address that you have moved out of.


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